There are several options available for help with creating an APA reference list.
Web Sites that Format References for You
- EndNote Basic - format bibliographies in over 1,000 formats; Cite While You Write add-on for Microsoft Word available (EndNote Basic Guide for help)
- BibMe - free automatic citation creator that supports MLA, APA, Chicago, and Turabian formatting
- EasyBib - free for MLA format only; APA and Chicago styles require a subscription
- NoodleBib Express - free version is good for one or two quick citations and not an entire source list
- Son of Citation Machine - helps automatically format references - MLA, APA, Chicago, and Turabian formats supported
We have a guide that provides links to APA help, as well as information about citing correctly.
Formatted Search Results
- For books, the Library Catalog has a "Cite This Item" choice.
- For books we do not have in the Library Catalog, WorldCat, a library catalog of North American and some European libraries has a "Cite" feature.
- Both CINAHL and Ovid Medline have a choice to print/email/or save (export) in APA format.